By: Priyanka Hindocha
All ultimate goal is what's the most interest to
them the management of a family and its wealth can
be comparable in some ways to the management of a large
private business with many of the same resources and
expertise as you would require to manage
a business. So our role is really to provide a
family with one key point of contact a combination
of their co-pilot CEO and
CFO who sits alongside the family and supports
them with their strategic decision making but it's
all there to pull together the right team to coordinate matters
in an ongoing basis and to deal
with the issues of the day. We can have as big or small a
role as a family wishes and our relationship
usually develops.
And involves with a family as they decide
how they'd like to run things what they'd like to do together what
they like to do separately and the support they require
from their outsourced family office.