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Dealing & Treasury

A comprehensive service to handle all the family’s banking and investment administration, including cash management, deal execution and custody. Our system enables us to spread banking counterparty risks across a number of prime institutions.

Spreading the risk

The banking crisis has highlighted the continuing risks of bank failure. Breaches of bank confidentiality have become too frequent to ignore. Compliance and regulatory pressures have substantially increased the costs of maintaining multiple banking relationships.

Our Dealing & Treasury service specifically addresses these concerns by aggregating client monies and spreading them across a number of carefully selected global banks.

All of which are monitored for security, price and performance on an ongoing basis.

Your funds are held by the banks as client assets in the name of SDS Nominees Limited and are completely ring-fenced from the Stonehage Fleming balance sheet.

This gives you a single point of contact for your banking and investment requirements.

Diversified risk, increased efficiency

​Managing your banking and investment requirements via Stonehage Fleming Dealing & Treasury offers a number of key benefits:

  • Lower risk in an increasingly fragile banking system, lower cost and a simple, one-contact client interface
  • Spread of counterparty risk across a population of carefully selected core banks
  • Ongoing assessment of participating banks with replacement/addition as appropriate
  • Client data held entirely within Stonehage Fleming, significantly reducing risk of data theft and unnecessary disclosure
  • Enhanced integrity, accuracy and consistency of data held
  • Reducing risk of problems increasingly caused by inaccurate bank records which can, for example, lead to inappropriate disclosures
  • Substantially reduced costs of operating multiple banking and investment accounts
  • Reduced costs of meeting compliance and money-laundering regulatory requirements
  • Improved reporting with clearer statements and daily updates of positions and portfolios
  • Greater transparency on holdings, obligations, pricing and custody
  • Single consolidated account statement from Stonehage Fleming across all securities and cash holdings
  • Aggregation of client funds in Stonehage Fleming names enables us to command institutional pricing
  • Access to your statements and positions online

Case studies

How we helped a family move from Canada to the US

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Working with an entrepreneur following a significant business sale

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Graeme Gill on Stonehage Fleming Dealing & Treasury services

In this short video Graeme Gill, Head of Treasury Services, explains the role of cash in client portfolios, the impact of a low interest environment and the advantages of SFT for clients.

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Cash: not just a passive asset – Graeme Gill

The important role of cash in investment portfolios

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How can we help?

There is no substitution for a personal conversation. If you are interested in hearing more about how we can help please get in touch and one of our experts will contact you.

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